Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thoughts on life - 1st Edition

In our family devotions the other night, we read II Timothy 4:22. It is Paul's last book that he wrote, and he knew he was going to Rome to be executed. His last written words in the Bible are
"The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with y'all."
It is interesting that Paul prays for Timothy's spirit, it is not something we normally ask God for. It sounds a little weird to say "I'm praying for your spirit", but so much of our emotion and disposition comes from our spirit. What a great way to pray for someone!

In other news... I got a pair of Chacos, and I love them! I'll be camping this weekend with my brothers on North Manitou Island. It is going to be great :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I finally caved, and I don't mean spelunked

Believe it or not, this is my first blog post. Ever. I'm a software nerd and I've never had a blog. I seem to be saying, "We'll see how it goes." about so many things these days, so we'll add this to the list.

I'll kick off this with saying that I am blessed beyond reason. There are so many things in my life that I pleaded with God about, and I've been given everything I've asked for and more.

• I have a car. Actually a truck, and its a huge blessing to have freedom of transportation.
• I have made some great new friends just this semester.
• I am going to be an RA. I've toyed with the idea of applying, but mostly like how you think about being a teacher when you are in middle school. You know exactly what you would do better then your teacher was doing, but you're not sure if you would really teach. Well, I really applied, and really got it. I feel that I'm about prepared as I can be at this point, and the flood will hit in August.
• I have an internship. I was so doubtful that I would have a job, and then I have 4 well-paying opportunities fall into my lap. Why should I be the one of all my friends that has a choice of all-good options? I have seen so many of my close friends struggle to find work and struggle to pay expenses, yet I've been given so much.

I titled this blog after a line out of Chris Tomlin's "I Will Rise" and the song holds a pretty special place and represents a lot of memories. Ask me about it sometime.

I'll close with saying that I love being home with my family, but I'm looking forward to life; this summer, next school year, and beyond.

The victory is ours,
