Believe it or not, this is my first blog post. Ever. I'm a software nerd and I've never had a blog. I seem to be saying, "We'll see how it goes." about so many things these days, so we'll add this to the list.
I'll kick off this with saying that I am blessed beyond reason. There are so many things in my life that I pleaded with God about, and I've been given everything I've asked for and more.
• I have a car. Actually a truck, and its a huge blessing to have freedom of transportation.
• I have made some great new friends just this semester.
• I am going to be an RA. I've toyed with the idea of applying, but mostly like how you think about being a teacher when you are in middle school. You know exactly what you would do better then your teacher was doing, but you're not sure if you would really teach. Well, I really applied, and really got it. I feel that I'm about prepared as I can be at this point, and the flood will hit in August.
• I have an internship. I was so doubtful that I would have a job, and then I have 4 well-paying opportunities fall into my lap. Why should I be the one of all my friends that has a choice of all-good options? I have seen so many of my close friends struggle to find work and struggle to pay expenses, yet I've been given so much.
I titled this blog after a line out of Chris Tomlin's "I Will Rise" and the song holds a pretty special place and represents a lot of memories. Ask me about it sometime.
I'll close with saying that I love being home with my family, but I'm looking forward to life; this summer, next school year, and beyond.
The victory is ours,